The Australian Commercial Marine Group (ACMG) is excited to be organising the inaugural ‘Australian Commercial Marine Conference’ to be held in Sydney in August 2024, just five weeks away!
After the recent amalgamation of the Sydney group ‘Commercial Vessels Association’ into the organisation, ACMG is now proudly representing all of the Australian commercial marine industry including over 40 commercial operators.
With our traditional ASMEX Conference coinciding with Vivid, this new event will bring informative sessions to the commercial operators including the latest in commercial marine technologies, NSW pollution regulations, lithium battery risks, decarbonisation in the commercial marine industry and more to all those who were unable to attend Sanctuary Cove in May. The full program of speakers and topics will be released in July prior to the event.
David Good, CEO of ACMG stated “Australia’s commercial operators, equipment suppliers and manufacturers are all working hard to make this industry more efficient and cleaner for the environment, this conference will help encourage further cooperation and inform industry on the latest developments.”
We are proud to make this first-time event free to attend for all current ACMG Members with tickets also available to purchase for non-members. Tickets include morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and post-conference drinks.
The event will be hosted onboard M/V Starship which will be alongside at King Street Wharf for the day on Thursday 1st August. Nick Lester states “As General Manager of Sealink Sydney Harbour and Chairman of the ACMG, I am pleased to host the first New South Wales based Australian Commercial Marine Conference. This great initiative marks the first of many to encourage industry collaboration to ensure a bright future for manufacturing, exports and operators alike both in New South Wales and Australia wide.”
The conference will conclude with the Sydney International Boat Show annual Members Networking Drinks, also to be held onboard MY Starship on the upper deck. We can’t wait to see all of our members in our local backyard of Sydney for this inaugural conference and Members’ Networking Drinks.
To secure your ticket and for more information about the Australian Commercial Marine Conference please visit: www.commercialmarine.com.au/australian-commercial-marine-conference/
Sponsorship opportunities are available, to get further details please contact Sam Rouhan at srouhan@aimex.asn.au